Launch Ritual /

There Must Be Something Coming Your Way

21 December 2018

Since ages, humankind has been honouring nature’s cycles in various ways during this end-of-the-year period, and SyncHouse hosts an intention setting get-together for the upcoming winter time at the threshold of darkness’ length. On this winter solstice, manifest a thought, a word or an intention on paper through the old habit of postcards and send it to friends, family or maybe yourself. Give to receive, so there is most likely something coming your way.


With a selection of POSTCARDS -READY TO BE SENT- by Ali Taptık, Gözde Mimiko Türkkan, Okay Karadayılar, Paper Street Co., Selim Süme, Torna

21 December 2018

Winter Solstice

18:30 – 23:30


Soft, Smooth & Sophisticated
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